How Many Types of Computers Are There?
The second type is mainframe computer. Mainframe computer is a large and powerful type of computer, but its size and performance sit below supercomputer. Mainframe computers are used to store large databases and run servers for the majority of services.
The third type is minicomputer. Minicomputer is a small computer with more powerful performance than personal computers. Minicomputer can also be used to run small servers thanks to its computing power. The advantages of minicomputer are that it's more reliable than a mainframe computer since it doesn't require air conditioner and can be operated in room temperature.
The final type is microcomputer. Microcomputer is a computer that uses a microprocessor to run the devices. Personal computers that we usually used like desktop and laptop is categorized as microcomputer. It's mostly used by us to do basic tasks, like making texts and surfing the web.
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